benefits of ladys finger

About Ladys Finger
1. Ladys Finger or Okra is commonly famous by the name Bhindi all over India. It is a very cheap and simply found green vegetable having great source of the vitamins, minerals, dietary fibres and other healthy nutrients required for the normal growth and development of the body. It is widely cultivated in the tropical, subtropical and other warm regions of the world. Some people like it eating raw as it tastes good. It is widely known for its availa .....
2. Okra is also known as ladys finger in some parts of Asia. And various other names in other parts of the world.The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world.Okra is an edible pea pod and although can be eaten raw, Ive never acquired the raw taste. You can lightly blanch, steam or give it a quick stir fry to reduce the green taste. Use when its tender, as it gets very fibrous when its older. In the ok .....
Nutritional Benefits
3. Okra is very low in calories and dense with nutrients. It ishigh in fiber, vitamin A, C, and folate content. It is also a good source of the B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and traces of magnesium and manganese. Okra is one of those few vegetables which have the highest content of phytonutrients and antioxidants such as beta carotene, xanthin and lutein. .....
4. Helps red blood cells production and prevent anemia. Okra is better known by its common name as ladys finger or gumbo. This high fiber vegetable is known for its high soluble and insoluble fiber content. This vegetable is usually used in many recipes and is also a part of many nutritional diets, as it is highly beneficial. .....
Anti Cancer
5. The high antioxidants in okra helps protect the immune system against harmful free radicals and prevent mutation of cells. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench, Hibiscus esculentis Linn), known in many English speaking countries as lady s fingers or gumbo, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. Okra is an annual herb that is widely cultivated for its edible green seed pods in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climates. Okra is a hardy p .....
6. The high antioxidants and vitamin C content make okra useful for reducing asthmatic attacks. okra is a perennial flowering plant belongs to the Malvaceae (mallows) family, and named scientifically as Abelmoschus esculentus. The okra plant bears numerous dark green colored pods measuring about 5 15 cm in length. It takes about 45 60 days to get ready to harvest fruits. Internally, the pods feature small, round, mucilaginous white colored seeds arr .....
Bone Strength
7. Folate in okra builds strong bones and density, preventing osteoporosis. The pods are among the very low calorie vegetables. They provide just 30 calories per 100 g, besides containing no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, they are rich sources of dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins; often recommended by nutritionists in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs. .....
8. The soluble fiber helps to lower serumcholesterol, thus also reducing atherosclerosis and the risk of heart diseases. The pods are one of the rich sources of mucilage substance that help in smooth peristalsis of digested food through the gut and ease constipation condition. .....
9. The rich fiber and mucilaginous (slimy) content in okra pods help increase bulk, bind to toxins and ensure easy bowel movements with its natural laxative properties. The pods contain healthy amounts of vitamin A, and flavonoid anti oxidants such as beta carotene, xanthin and lutein. It is one of the vegetables with highest levels of these anti oxidants. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision.Regularl .....
10. It has insulin like properties that help to reduce blood sugar level. Fresh pods are the good source of folates; provide about 22% of RDA per 100 g. Consumption of foods rich in folates, especially during the pre conception period helps decrease the incidence of neural tube defects in the offspring. .....
Gut flora
11. The fiber helps improve the population of beneficial bacteria in the gut. The gumbo pods are also an excellent source of anti oxidant vitamin, vitamin C, providing about 36% of daily recommended levels. Research suggests that consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop immunity against infectious agents, reduce episodes of cold and cough and protect the body from harmful free radicals. .....
Immune Booster
12. The high antioxidants and vitamin C content make okra a good immune booster food that reduce your catching the cough and cold. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural vegetables and fruits rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. .....
Peptic Ulcers
13. The mucilaginous content provides a temporary coating to the digestive tract and stomach lining while healing the ulcers. The veggies are rich in B complex group of vitamins like niacin, vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid. The pods also contain good amounts of vitamin K. Vitamin K is a co factor for blood clotting enzymes and is required for strengthening of bones. .....
14. The rich folate content in okra can help decrease the incidence of neural tube defects in babies. The pods are an also good source of many important minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium. Okra is somewhat related to cotton and hollyhock. Okra plant can grow up to 9 feet in height with heart shaped leaves that is palmate with 5 to 7 lobes. Okra flowers are large with 5 petals colored white or yellow and sometimes with a reddish p .....
Skin Health
15. With good bowel movements, skin health will improve. Helps reduce acne, psoriasis and other skin conditions. Fresh and immature okra pods are readily available in the stores all around the year. The pods feature attractively rich green color and have neutral flavor. In the store, look for crispy, immature pods and avoid those with over ripen, sunken appearance, discolored spots, cuts and mushy. .....
Vision Health
16. Okra contains beta carotenes (precursor of vitamin A), xanthin and lutein, all antioxidant properties that are helpful for vision health, preventing eye problems like cataract and glaucoma. In general, some of the hybrid varieties of okra may have been subject to insecticide/pesticide sprays. Therefore, wash the pods thoroughly in the cold water in order to remove dust, soil and any residual insecticides. .....
Consumption Tips
17. Choose smaller sized okra over the big ones. The feel should be crisp and firm to be sure they are tender and not overly fibrous. Avoid those which color does not look fresh and are soft. As with most vegetables, okra may be subject to insecticide/pesticides. Buy organic if possible. If not, soak okra in water with apple cider vinegar and seasalt for about 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Cut off the tops and cut okra into smaller pieces of 2 3 .....
It prevents heart disease
18. People are often affected with heart disease due to high levels of cholesterol in their blood. Pectin, a soluble fibre present in ladys finger helps lower this cholesterol and thus is helpful in preventing heart disease. Okra pods are one of the widely used vegetables in tropical countries. Chopped, or sliced pods are stewed or fried (fritters) under low heat oil in order to soften their mucilaginous content. They then, can be mixed with other ve .....
19. Like most vegetables, okra has a small amount of oxalic acid and does not generally bother. Avoid okra if you have a history of kidney stones. Okra leaves may be cooked in a similar manner as the greens of beets or dandelions. The leaves are also eaten raw in salads. .....
It helps you lose weight
20. People who aspire to lose weight can eat ladys finger to facilitate weight loss. The vegetable is extremely low in calories, with a 100g serving containing just 33 calories. Here are some otherfoods that can help you lose weight.Okras (lady s fingers) are used as main recipe, side recipe, to thicken the soup, and tender ones are even eaten as row. .....
It improves your immunity
21. Ladys finger is rich in Vitamin C with a 100g serving meeting approximately 38% of your daily requirement of the nutrient. Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that helps improves your immunity and protects you from several diseases and infections. Alternatively, you could also eat orange and amla to boost your Vitamin C intake as both of them are extremely rich sources of the nutrient. .....
It improves your mental function
22. Folate or Vitamin B9 is another critical nutrient present in ladys finger. This nutrient is required by your brain to function properly as it aids in the production of several important compounds. The other half is insoluble fiber which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy, decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colo rectal cancer. Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid is also present in a half c .....
Vitamin B9
23. Women who are pregnant will benefit from the consumption of ladys finger as it contains Vitamin B9 or folic acid which can help prevent neurological birth defects in their newborn. Here are5 recipes that pregnant women. Okra seed pods are 3 to 10 inches in length about ? to 1 inch wide. Okra fruit or pod is usually green in color with a new red variety. It is tapering in shape with ribs along its length. .....
Insoluble fiber
24. According to a research published inNutrition Journal, ladys finger has a higher concentration of antioxidants than most vegetables. These antioxidants prevent damage to your cells from free radicals, and inhibit the growth of cancer cells in your body. Additionally, it contains some amount of insoluble fibre which promotes a healthy digestive tract and lowers your risk of colorectal cancer. .....
low calorie
25. The low calorie content of Okra ( 30 kcal / 100 gm) and its high fiber content makes it a suitable food for weight loss . It provides minimum cals and the fiber helps in keeping you full for longer. Some people use it for diabetic purpose: After removing both the ends of okra, two tender ones can be just cut lengthwise once, and keep them in a glass of water overnight. Remove them the next morning and the water is consumed, to reduce sugar level. .....
Heart disease
26. Okra contains soluble fiber pectin. Pectin helps in lowering the Bad cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis by helping in elimination of deposited cholesterol and clots. Though it is a humble vegetable lady s finger (okra) provides many medicinal benefits for our day to day life because of its diuretic properties, antitoxidant properties and high in unsaturated fat, calcium, potassium, fibre, vitamin c and folate. To get the maximum benefits of .....
Reduced bowels problem
27. The fiber content of lady finger helps in better digestion, and regularization of bowels. pectin swells up in the intestine and helps in easier elimination of the wastes from the intestine. People suffering from constipation benefit from regular consumption of lady finger. .....
Improves Immunity
28. Another important benefit of lady finger is that it contains Vit C which helps in improving immunity. Okra or Ladys Finger can be consumed in many ways. The best way to consume it is to make a vegetable without gravy. Sausage Okra, Okra with salted corn, Fried Okra etc. are some other healthy recipes which can be made using Okra. We all have okra the normal way, i.e, in form of vegetable dish. .....
Vitamin k benefits
29. Lady finger contains iron and folate and Vit K , these nutrients help in treating and avoiding Anemia. Okra is a member of the mallow family, which includes herbs, shrubs and certain trees including mallows, cotton, hibiscus and hollyhock. The leaves of the okra plant are heart shaped and edible, with large yellow flowers that bear resemblance to the hibiscus flower. .....
Prevention of Colon Cancer
30. Like all other high fiber foods , Lady finger too helps in prevention of Colon cancer by keeping the digestive system intact and functioning properly. Okra can be served raw, marinated in salads or cooked on its own, and goes well with tomatoes, onions, corn, peppers, and eggplant. Whole, fresh okra pods also make excellent pickles. Its mild flavor can be compared to eggplant; thought the texture is somewhat unusual. .....
Treatment of dandruff and lice
31. Okra is used ashome remedy for dandruff and lice. gut okra horizontally and boil in water, add lemon to this water and use this water for rinsing hair. When cut okra releases a sticky substance with thickening properties, often used in soups and stews. Okra is enriched with amino acids, with the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids. .....
High fiber content
32. The dietary fiber content of okra/ladys finger is known to be high and hence many health specialists recommend it for digestive benefits. The fibers aid the process of digestion in the body by facilitating proper bowel movement. Okra fruit is valued as vegetable, harvested while young and has mucus like juice that is used to thicken stews (gumbo). Okra is also known for its nutritional value and offers varieties of health benefits. .....
Good folate content
33. Folates present in okra reduce the neural tube defects in a new born baby. So it is highly recommended for women during pre conception period or pregnancy. Along with containing high amounts of fiber, okra also contains high amounts of vitamins A, C, and B6. Large amounts of calcium, zinc, riboflavin, folic acid, and iron are also present in this vegetable. .....
Good absorption of water
34. Facilitating proper absorption of water, Okra/ lady finger vegetable ensures free motion disposal by the body and hence prevents constipation. Women who are pregnant are urged to incorporate okra into their diets due to the high content of folic acid. Folic acid is essential for the healthy growth of a fetus especially during the fourth week through the twelfth week of pregnancy. .....
PreventsSun stroke
35. Okra helps prevent sun strokes. The other half is insoluble fiber which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy, decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colo rectal cancer. Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid is also present in a half cup of cooked okra.Okra is a rich source of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid. The guy got the following numbers from the University of Illin .....
Controls obesity
36. With regular usage of okra, in either raw or cooked form, you can avoid obesity to a great extent. Obesity is not necessarily due to consumption of fatty and calorific foods but also due to lack of nutrients. Okra is available in most grocery and vegetable stores. Buy okra fruits that are fresh, young, tender and firm. You will know it is fresh if it can easily be snapped in two. The best okra variety is the green color. .....
Dietary fibre for healthy skin
37. Okra is a rich source of dietary fiber. It is also keeps the digestion problem away. Proper digestion reflects through a healthy looking skin. This vegetable is great at being able to reabsorb water. By being able to absorb so much water, okra can trap excess cholesterol, excess bile, and certain toxins. By trapping these substances, it makes it easier to eliminate them from the body through the stool. Because okra absorbs so much water, eating t .....
Vitamin C for younger skin
38. Vitamin C found in okra actually helps maintain a younger looking skin. It aids in repairing body tissues. This in turn helps keep your skin younger and also makes it look more vibrant. Okra contains good amounts of vitamin K. vitamin K is a co factor for blood clotting enzymes and is required for strengthening of bones. The rich fiber and mucilaginous content in okra pods helps smooth peristalsis of digested food particles and relieve constipati .....
Prevents skin pigmentation
39. The nutrients found in okra actually helps to prevent skin pigmentation. It is useful for rejuvenating your skin and repairing damages. Okra is better known by its common name as ladys finger or gumbo. This high fiber vegetable is known for its high soluble and insoluble fiber content. This vegetable is usually used in many recipes and is also a part of many nutritional diets, as it is highly beneficial. Let us quickly look at the some of the ama .....
Bouncy hair
40. If you are tired of your distressed hair, try using okra to get that bounce back. Boil okra with some water and the transparent mucilage that you get can be used to get your bouncy hair back. The sodium content of okra is quiet high. This is the reason why it is made into tablets, for replenishing sodium deficiency in the body. These tablets are also good for stomach ulcers. .....
Hair conditioner
41. The same mucilage can be used as hair conditioner. Wash your hair and squeeze out excess water. Massage the watery mucilage through your hair and rinse thoroughly with water. The okra is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. High in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, protein, riboflavin, niacin iron, zinc and copper. .....
Scalp moisturiser
42. Okra is an excellent moisturizer for your dry and itchy scalp. It leaves your hair feeling soft and isnt harmful like other cosmetics available in the market. It is great for people with unruly, curly and lifeless hair. Okra is completely nontoxic, non habit forming, has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economically within reach of most individuals. .....
Shiny hair
43. Okra, when used as a hair rinse, gives great shine to your hair. You can give your regular conditioner a miss once in a while and take care of your hair the natural way. As you can see, okra health benefits are many. It may have an unusual name, and you may be tempted to pass it by for a more common vegetable, but give okra a try. It has many benefits and can be added easily to any meal. .....
How To Select Good Quality Okra
44. Although topical use of okra does a lot of good, we just cannot ignore how beneficial its intake is. Most of us are left clueless when questioned about how to select good Okra. Here is a quick guide to help you understand the selection process better. .....
Smaller pods
45. Always look for smaller pods because they are tender. They taste better than the larger ones which are tough and stringy too. Okra is the ideal vegetable for weight loss and is a storehouse of health benefits, provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties. .....
Bright colour
46. Look out for bright green coloured pods. You may also find varieties of burgundy or deep red. Those are also used for cooking purpose but green ones are widely used. If you have to store okra for later preparation, do not wash as it will become slimy, put in a paper bag and refrigerate .....
Unblemished pods
47. While selecting okra, try and look for unblemished ones. These are fresh and are not rotten from inside. Decoction of okra leaves, fruits and leaves are used to treat urinary problems, such as painful urination and other genitourinary problems including gonorrhea and syphilis. .....
48. Check for the firmness of okra. While the smaller pods are generally tender, they should not be very soft. Okra juice used to treat skin itchiness and as skin moisturizer. Okra fruits are eaten to treat involuntary discharge of semen. Okra is a popular vegetable in many countries and is mainly eaten as a vegetable. However, it can be pickled or a soup made from it. The leaves are also cooked like other greens. They can be eaten raw as in salads. .....
How To Store Okra
49. Okra should be stored unwashed. You can store it in a paper bag or simply wrap it in a newspaper. If you dont have a paper bag, you can also store it in a perforated plastic bag. Make sure you keep it in the warmest part of your refrigerator. This would help you store it for up to 3 days at least. Okra tends to decay faster when kept really cold. So make sure you store it in warmer temperature in your refrigerator. Simply blanch the whole okra an .....
Tips For Usage
50. Before cooking, thoroughly wash and rinse whole okra well with water. 2 After washing, pat it dry completely, using a dry towel. You can then store it in a zip lock bag and leave it overnight in the fridge before using it next day. 3 This will make it less slimy while cooking. 4 This will make okra freeze solid. 5 Add okra immediately to your dish after taking it out from the refrigerator. 6 You can use it as whole or chopped. 7 Always trim .....
Tips For Cooking
51. To avoid too much sliming, fry it in oil a little before adding all spices. This reduces the slime to a great extent. Remove okra from the pan and set aside and add it towards the end after you have prepared the rest of the dish.2 Soak it in vinegar or lemon water before using it. Another option is to add lemon or vinegar to the dish itself to cut down the slime.3 Blanch okra for 3 4 minutes to reduce the slime and add to the dish when it is al .....
A Delicious Okra Recipe
52. Due to presence of such nutrients, you should definitely include Okra in your regular diet. With its less cholesterol and calorie content it can be eaten in considerable amounts too. Okra or Ladys Finger can be consumed in many ways. The best way to consume it is to make a vegetable without gravy. Sausage Okra, Okra with salted corn, Fried Okra etc. are some other healthy recipes which can be made using Okra. We all have okra the normal way, i.e, .....
Benefits of Lady Finger
53. Ladys finger or bhindi is an amazing health nourishing green vegetable beneficial for weight management, cholesterol and blood sugar level regulation, flawless skin, bone strength, cancer protection and so many. It is a vegetable of high importance because of its high fibre content, folates, antioxidant property and cheap availability at affordable price in the nearest market. .....
Benefits of Ladys Finger for Cancer Prevention
54. It contains high amount of insoluble dietary fibres which helps in cleaning out the whole digestive system especially the intestinal tract thus it plays a great role in preventing from the colon cancer. It also reduces the risk of occurrence of other type of cancers in the body. .....
Benefits of Ladys Finger for Weight Loss
55. Dietary fibres found in it play a great role in the weight management especially for the people who are overweight and obese. It contains very low calorie and low sodium which are very much beneficial for the people tending to lose weight.It makes stomach feel full for longer period of time thus helps in weight loss by reducing the frequency of eating habits. .....
Benefits of Ladys Finger for Men
56. It helps in improving the sexual health among men if eaten regularly as it is the rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and zinc. It helps in treating the erectile problems and enhancing the sexual stamina among men by fulfilling the zinc deficiency. .....
Benefits of Ladys Finger for Women
57. It is also great vegetable maintaining female sexual health. It is beneficial for the women suffering from excessive bleedings during periods or endometriosis. Dip some ladys finger pieces in a glass of water for whole night and drink early morning with empty stomach provides relief from cystitis, leucorrhoea and etc. .....
Benefits of Ladys Finger Juice
58. Okra juice helps in treating sore throat, coughing problems, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, fever, inflammations and etc. It keeps skin free of itchiness and dryness as it is a good moisturizer. It helps in treating spontaneous discharge of semen among men. .....
Ladys Finger Seeds
59. Roasted ladys finger seeds help in promoting sweating. It is also beneficial for treating and preventing muscle spasms, fever, arthritis and headache. Okra contains good amounts of vitamin K. vitamin K is a co factor for blood clotting enzymes and is required for strengthening of bones. The rich fiber and mucilaginous content in okra pods helps smooth peristalsis of digested food particles and relieve constipation condition. .....
Other Health Benefits of Ladys Finger
60. It contains good amount of iron and folates which helps in maintaining the blood haemoglobin count as well as preventing from the iron deficiency anaemia. Vitamin K found in it prevents from the unnecessary blood loss by enhancing the blood coagulation process during accidental cases. It contains high level of vitamin C which helps in fighting with common cold, cough and etc infectious problems by improving health of immune system. It also contai .....
Prevent from early aging
61. It is the richest source of antioxidants and phytonutrients (vitamin C, beta carotene, xanthin, lutein and etc) thus prevents from the early ageing. The okra is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. High in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, protein, riboflavin, niacin iron, zinc and copper. .....
Helps in improving the memory level
62. It helps in improving the memory level by regulating the mental functions as it contains folate which plays great role in producing some important compounds required for brain functioning. Okra plant grows in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate areas and is believed to be a native of South Asia, Ethopia or West Africa. The plants grow to about 6 7 feet tall. Okra pod has a slimy feel due to the presence of mucilage. .....
Benefits of Ladys Finger Leaves
63. Juice of the ladys finger leaves helps in treating various disorders of urinary tract including painful urination, gonorrhoea, syphilis and etc. This sliminess is not preferred by many people and can be reduced by adding vinegar, tomatoes, tamarind paste,dry mango powder, curd or some drops of lemon. It can also be reduced by slicing the pods thin and cooking till the mucilage dissolves or okra can be added as the last ingredient to the preparati .....
How to Select and Store
64. Ladys finger should be bought fresh from the market instead of saving it in the freeze for days in large amount. Always select small, dark green, soft, spots free, closed ends and organically grown. Avoid buying wrinkled, dehydrated, long, tough, hard, inorganically grown, spotted and dull colored. It can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days in the plastic bag after proper wash. .....
How to Enjoy
65. Before using ladys finger for cooking purposes, it should be washed thoroughly under running water. It should be dried completely using towel before cooking. It can be enjoyed as a soup, bhujua, curry, kalaunji, pickles, whole fried and etc. .....
Side Effects Disadvantages and Precautions
66. Eating ladys finger needs some precautions as it has some side effects and disadvantages. Some of are mentioned below: It contains oxalic acid which promotes kidney stone formation and causes kidney failure. Oxalic acid may also cause joint problems like joints pain due to the accumulation of some precipitates in the joints. It may cause acidity problem. .....
How Much Ladys Finger to Eat a Day
67. It contains lots of beneficial health effects as discussed above in the article however, should be eaten within limit to avoid the side effects of oxalic acid found in it. The seeds can be roasted and ground to form a drink very similar to coffee but without coffee s caffeine content. In fact during World war II there was shortage of coffee and the seeds were ground and used as a replacement coffee. .....
Okra nutrition facts
68. Okra, also known as lady finger , is one of the popular nutritious vegetables of North Eastern Africa origin. They usually gathered while the pods are green, tender, and at immature stage. The plant is cultivated throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions around the world for their fibrous fruits or pods. It grows best in well drained and manure rich soil. .....
Preparation and serving methods
69. In general, some of the hybrid varieties of okra may have beensubject to insecticide/pesticide sprays. Therefore, wash the pods thoroughly in the cold water in order to remove dust, soil and any residual insecticides.Trim the top stem end using a paring knife. Some prefer trimming tip ends as well. Then, cut/slice the pod as desired. .....
Fetus Development
70. The high allowance of folate contained in ladys finger or okra is beneficial for the fetus during pregnancy. Folate is an essential nutrient which advances the development of the fetus body. The high allowance of folic acid in ladys finger or okra plays a significant role in the neural tube formation of the fetus through the fourth to twelveth week of pregnancy. .....
71. Diets high in insoluble fiber, such as those containing okra, are associated with protection against heart disease in both men and women. Okra seeds when pressed yield a greenish yellow edible oil that is high in unsaturated fats like oleic and linoleic acids. Okra oil is as good as many other cooking oils. It is also suitable as a biofuel. .....
Capillary fragility
72. Eating plenty of flavonoid and vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables such as okra helps to support the structure of capillaries. Okra is rich in dietary fiber and provides 9% of the daily value/100 grams. Okra is low in calories and provides only 30 calories/100 grams. .....
Depression and Lack of Energy
73. Okra is a supreme vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffering from depression. It has good amounts of Vitamins C and K, supplying 36% and 44% of the daily requirement and moderate amounts of Vitamin A, about 12% of the daily value/100 grams. It good to moderate amounts of the B complex group of vitamins, providing 17% of thiamine, 16.5% of pyridoxine, 6% of niacin, 5% of pantothenic acid and 4.5% of riboflavin per 100 grams. .....
High homocysteine
74. A controlled trial showed that eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables containing folic acid, beta carotene, and vitamin C effectively lowered homocysteine levels. Healthy people were assigned to either a diet containing a pound of fruits and vegetables per day, or to a diet containing 3 1/2 ounces (99g) of fruits and vegetables per day. After four weeks, those eating the higher amount of fruits and vegetables had an 11 percent lower homocyst .....
Multiple sclerosis
75. In one survey, researchers gathered information from nearly 400 people (half with MS) over three years. They found that consumption of vegetable protein, fruit juice, and foods rich in vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium correlated with a decreased MS risk. .....
Okra is a type of green vegetable
76. Okra is a type of green vegetable, long finger like, having a small tip at the taporing end. Its head shows a bulge, lighter green in shade, which is often removed as inedible portion. The cross section cut okra shows white colored round seeds spread entirely inside the vegetable. One of the peculiar signs of this vegetable is the internal stickiness. The lady s finger may be cut in to round pieces or sliced in to 4 halfes or may be put whole in .....
Deseeded ladies finger
77. Wash and clean the vegetable with a clean cloth. Remove a portion of its two extremes, which are inedible. Hold it in a horizontal position and cut into two halves. Now gently remove all the seeds. You may further slit it or let it remain into halves as per the recipe. .....
Chopped ladies finger
78. To prepare lady s finger subji, you need to cut them into rounds. Wash and clean the vegetable with a clean cloth. Remove a portion of its two extremes, which are inedible. Hold it in a horizontal position and start cutting in around 1 inch diameter from one end to the other. It is fine if the seeds enter the chopped vegetable as these are edible. Check for any worm or insect infestation. It may be roughly chopped or you may even finele chop it d .....
Sliced ladies finger
79. Wash and clean the vegetable with a clean cloth. Remove a portion of its two extremes, which are inedible. Hold it in a horizontal position and cut into two halves. Again slit into two more halves. It is fine if the seeds enter the chopped vegetable as these are edible. Check for any worm or insect infestation. It may be thickly sliced or you may even thinly slice it depending on the recipe by altering the slits accordingly. .....
Culinary Uses
80. Lady s finger is one of the mouth watering vegetables, due to its great palatability and flavor. It can be cooked as a subji, a part of the main course. It can be savored with phulkas or rotis and also be had with plain rice and dal. You can fry the bhindi and savor it as a starter.Lady s finger an be used in a mix vegetable preparation such as tawa curry.It can also be added in sambhar instead of pumpkin.Try making yummy bhindi kadhi. .....
Medicinal Benefits of okra
81. Though it is a humble vegetable lady s finger (okra) provides many medicinal benefits for our day to day life because of its diuretic properties, antitoxidant properties and high in unsaturated fat, calcium, potassium, fibre, vitamin c and folate. To get the maximum benefits of okra, it should be cooked as minimum as possible. .....
How Ladys fingers used
82. Okras (lady s fingers) are used as main recipe, side recipe, to thicken the soup, and tender ones are even eaten as row. They are slime on cutting.To remove the slime,few drops of lime juice or vinegar can be added. By sauting for few minutes also slime can be removed. .....
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