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Heart disease

Benefits of ladys finger


Heart disease

Okra contains soluble fiber pectin. Pectin helps in lowering the Bad cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis by helping in elimination of deposited cholesterol and clots. Though it is a humble vegetable lady s finger (okra) provides many medicinal benefits for our day to day life because of its diuretic properties, antitoxidant properties and high in unsaturated fat, calcium, potassium, fibre, vitamin c and folate. To get the maximum benefits of okra, it should be cooked as minimum as possible.


How Much Ladys Finger to Eat a Day
Gut flora
Deseeded ladies finger
Fetus Development
Other Health Benefits of Ladys Finger
Nutritional Benefits
Dietary fibre for healthy skin
Vitamin C for younger skin
Preparation and serving methods
Benefits of Ladys Finger Juice
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