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Ways to Overcome Anger



We cannot laugh and be upset at the same time. When we make the physical movement required to laugh or smile, we instantly feel light-hearted and joyful.
Try it now: give me that beautiful smile of yours. I want a genuine and large smile now! J How do you feel? Do you feel an instant jolt of joy? Did you temporarily forget about your problems?
List out a series of movies that make you laugh and stock them up at home. Or meet up with a humorous friend who can really get you laughing. For my friend going through the divorce, I prescribed Episode 10 of Survivor Gabon, he laughed until his stomach hurt and told me the next day that he slept very well, without once thinking about the negativity that would otherwise trigger anger.


Learn how you can improve your response to anger going forward
Take a projection inventory
Learn what you need
Check in with your mood before the incident
Finding the Light
Make a conscious choice to sit with the feeling
Learn what youll do differently in the future
Circle of Influence
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