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Check your chi

Stress Management Tips


Check your chi

Qigong pronounced chee gong is a 5,000 year old Chinese practice designed to promote the flow of chi, the vital life force that flows throughout the body, regulating its functions. Qigong master Ching Tse Lee, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Brooklyn College in New York, recommends this calming exercise Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and parallel. Bend your knees to a quarter squat position about 45 degrees while keeping your upper body straight. Observe your breathing for a couple of breaths. Inhale and bring your arms slowly up in front of you to shoulder height with your elbows slightly bent. Exhale, stretching your arms straight out. Inhale again, bend your elbows slightly and drop your arms down slowly until your thumbs touch the sides of your legs. Exhale one more time, then stand up straight.


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