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Take one day a week for active recovery

Fitness Tips


Take one day a week for active recovery

It s your day of rest from intense workouts, but you still move. Take a walk. Do a gentle yoga class. Just do something that s less intense than what you do for exercise the other six days of the week.


Shop the perimeter of your grocery store
Track triggers
Move your body everyday of the week
Eat smaller portions
Dont DIET Reverse the letters in the word and EDIT what you eat
If you have a desk job consider a standing workstation
Dont compare yourself to others it only puts you in a negative mindset
View each day as a clean slate
Keep in mind that people have a tendency to underestimate the calories they consume and overestimate the calories they burn
Commit to a 5k to motivate you to train
Find a form of exercise you enjoy
Stop eating when you are satiated and not stuffed
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