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Take a swim

Healthy Neck


Take a swim

Many forum members note the therapeutic effects that swimming has on back and neck pain. Swimming reduces inflammation, provides quick pain relief, and allows for unrestricted movements. Try the following movements Submerge into the water until the level is up to your neck. Slowly ease into gentle exercises. Now, squat until the water reaches your chin, and then move back and forth and to the right and to the left.If you do not own a pool or cant get to a community pool in the summers or an indoor pool in the winters, take a bath every night to gain a similar therapeutic benefit.


Dock your notebook
Place any devices you use frequently such as your mouse and keyboard within easy reach
Reposition your monitor
Backward Extension
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Lateral Flexion to Right
Move It
Forward Flexion
Lateral Flexion to Left
Use a water pillow
Alternate your hands
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