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A Thumb nail Sketch

Healthy Nails


A Thumb nail Sketch

Your fingernails and toenails are there to help prevent injury to your digits, so from time to time your nails are likely to get injured in the line of duty (or in the strike line of a hammers head). Nail injuries can cause bruising, infection and may sometimes stunt nail growth. Keeping your nails short can help prevent nail injury because youll be less likely to snag a nail or separate it from the nail bed. And while you cant always prevent an accidental injury such as shutting your finger in a door or drawer, you can help reduce the risk of nail bed trauma with a little common sense: Dont use your fingernails as if they were tools.


Keep your fingernails dry and clean
Follow a good diet for nails
Smooth away dryness with a moisturizing hand cream
Try to handle more natural items
Trim your nails when they get too long
A Thumb nail Sketch
Nail beauty regime
Always wear rubber gloves while cleaning
Trim and file your fingernails regularly
Apply sunscreen before going under a UV or LED light
Weekly nail maintenance ensures long term health
Dont go barefoot
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