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Focus on magnesium intake

Healthy Neck


Focus on magnesium intake

Many cases of neck pain are the result of muscle strains or sprains. Ask your doctor or a utritionist about adding magnesium rich foods or a magnesium supplement to your diet.Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps contract and relax muscles, and a supplement may help you avoid neck muscle pain.Magnesium is found in certain fruits, vegetables, nuts, peas, beans, soy products and whole grains. You can also absorb magnesium by soaking in an epsom salt bath. Some forum members note how magnesium reduces muscle tightness in their neck.


Take It Easy
Get Out of Your Slump
Check your lighting
Use a forearm rest
Backward Extension
Reposition your monitor
Lateral Flexion to Left
Dock your notebook
Avoid situations that trigger neck pain
Move It
Customize your chair
Apply Cold/Heat
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