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Monitor your fitness

Fitness Tips


Monitor your fitness

I am always talking about myFitbit Flexbecause it allows you to do so much. During the day it tracks my steps, distance, and calories burned, and at night it tracks my sleep quality. I love knowing exactly what my activity levels have been for the day, and it motivates me to move more


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Make a list of positive affirmations that work for you
Use consistency to compound your results
Get an accountability partner for exercise and weight loss support
Follow the 80 by 20 rule
Move your body everyday of the week
Commit to a 5k to motivate you to train
Have healthy snacks on hand solution for the munchies
Dont overdo it on cocktails
Dont DIET Reverse the letters in the word and EDIT what you eat
Dont start and stop just keep going
Keep in mind that people have a tendency to underestimate the calories they consume and overestimate the calories they burn
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