Walk on Your Hands
Healthy Shoulder
Walk on Your Hands
Once you get comfortable with handstands start walking laterally along the wall with your feet still in contact with it. Eventually, once you master your handstands you can start walking without the wall. In the meantime, slap a Power Wheel on your feet and walk up and down the gym floor or across a field. A great goal to shoot for is being able to walk 100 yards on your hands. You can make hand walking even more challenging by doing Alligator pushups with the Power Wheel . Any type of dynamic range of motion exercise like this that has you moving positions on each rep is great for strengthening the shoulders.
Walk on Your Hands
Do Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups
Dont Go Excessively Heavy On Rowing Exercises
At the End of Each Set of Military Presses You Do Hold the Bar in the Top Position
Do Band Pull Aparts
Eliminate the Eccentric Component of Olympic Lifts by Dropping the Bar
Swap Out Bench Presses For Low Incline Presses
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
Always Keep Your Shoulder Blades Fully Squeezed Together During Horizontal Pressing Movements
Include more horizontal pulling movements in your training
Initiate Each Rep on Curls With a Slight Cheat
Do Dips on Gymnastics Rings Instead of Parallel Bars
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