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Do Band Pull Aparts

Healthy Shoulder


Do Band Pull Aparts

Simply grab a medium strength band hold it out in front of you and try to rip it apart. Pull it out all the way so that your arms are straight out to your sides (while maintaining a very slight bend in them throughout) like a T and squeeze your shoulder blades together for 30 60 seconds. Hitting a few sets of these to strengthen your upper back and prevent injuries is a great way to finish off your upper body day. Heck, they take so little out of you because there is no eccentric, that they can be done upwards of 5 6 times per week if need be.


Always Keep Your Shoulder Blades Fully Squeezed Together During Horizontal Pressing Movements
Do Kettlebell Snatches
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
Do Vertical Pressing Before Horizontal Pressing
Never Bench Press With a Wide Grip
Use a Swiss Bar Instead of Straight Bar for Horizontal Pressing
Dont go Excessively Heavy On Curls
Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead
Do Dips on Gymnastics Rings Instead of Parallel Bars
Dont do Incline Curls at an Angle Any Lower Than 60 Degrees
Practice Handstand Holds
Initiate Each Rep on Curls With a Slight Cheat
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