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Begin the First Rep of Any Set of Military Presses with a Slight Leg Drive

Healthy Shoulder


Begin the First Rep of Any Set of Military Presses with a Slight Leg Drive

You dont have to turn the whole set into push presses but you do want to use a slight leg drive to at least get the very first rep moving. The reason for that is because pressing the bar off your front delts from a dead stop with no momentum can be very stressful. Its the most stressful part of the entire rep. Unless you are competing in some kind of strict pressing contest Id recommend using the leg drive. If you have preexisting shoulder injuries you may want to do a slight push press on every rep.


Know Your Limits
Check your overhead position
Use a Swiss Bar Instead of Straight Bar for Horizontal Pressing
Eliminate the Eccentric Component of Olympic Lifts by Dropping the Bar
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
Dont Do Excessively Heavy Weighted Chin Ups
Dont Bench Like A Bodybuilder
Do Vertical Pressing Before Horizontal Pressing
Always Keep Your Shoulder Blades Fully Squeezed Together During Horizontal Pressing Movements
At the End of Each Set of Military Presses You Do Hold the Bar in the Top Position
Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead
Do Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups
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