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Benefits of Cauliflower



The average daily recommendation for fiber exceeds 25 grams. Eat some cauliflower and youll be contributing over 3 grams to your daily total, helping cleanse your digestive tract. choose fresh heads featuring snow/creamwhite, compact, even heads that feel heavy in hand. Grainy surface and separate heads indicate over maturity, while greenish coloration may be due to over exposure to sunlight. Avoid heads with bruised surface as they indicate poor handling of the flower and also those with dark color patches as they indicate mold disease known as downy mildew.


Boost Heart Health
Cauliflower has antiinflammatory properties
Inhibited the growth of breast tumors
Consumption Tips
How to Store
Some Other Tips to Cook Cauliflower
Digestive system
Low in Calories
Healthy dose of potassium
Increased blood flow
Vitamin C
Common cold and flu
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