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Eat right post workout

Tips to succeed in Weight Loss


Eat right post workout

People are notorious for overestimating how many calories they burn during physical activity, which is often far less than actual calories burned. When you overestimate the calories you burn during exercise, you may eat more than you need, making weight loss and maintenance difficult. High intensity exercise may drive women to eat more, and moderate exercise may be the key to easier weight control. To see how many average calories youre burning during everyday activities and exercise, check out this chart from the CDC. You can see how easy it is to wipe out the calories burned during a workout with just a few extra nibbles during the day.


Dont ban foods
Dine anytime
Never get too hungry
Dont stock junk food
Take your time
Read food labels
Eat plenty of fruit and veg
Plate food away from where
They practice portion control
Get more active
Limit alcohol to weekends
They get a lot of exercise
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