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Put less food out and youll take less in

Tips To Lose Weight


Put less food out and youll take less in

Conversely, the more food in front of you, the more youll eat regardless of how hungry you are. So instead of using regular dinner plates that range these days from 10 to 14 inches (making them look empty if theyre not heaped with food), serve your main course on salad plates (about 7 to 9 inches wide). Instead of 16 ounce glasses and oversized coffee mugs, return to the old days of 8 ounce glasses and 6 ounce coffee cups.


Write down what you eat for one week and you will lose weight
Get some sun
Brush your teeth after every meal especially dinner
Walk five minutes for at least every two hours
Spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs
Get a mantra
Walk before dinner and youll cut calories AND your appetite
Get most of your calories before noon
Youll lose weight and fat if you walk 45 minutes a day not 30
Throw out your fat clothes for good
Wash something thoroughly once a week
The color blue suppresses appetites
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