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Make one social outing this week an active one

Tips To Lose Weight


Make one social outing this week an active one

Pass on the movies and screen the views of a local park instead. Not only will you sit less, but youll be saving calories because you wont chow down on that bucket of popcorn. Other active ideas: a tennis match, a guided nature or city walk (check your local listings), a bike ride, or bowling.


Get some sun
Eat Real Food
Eat 90 percent of your meals at home
Put less food out and youll take less in
Eat nuts and fish
Eat water rich foods and youll eat fewer calories overall
Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice
Spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs
Sniff a banana an apple or a peppermint when you feel hungry
The color blue suppresses appetites
Women Avoid Eating Fruit
Throw out your fat clothes for good
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