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More than anything else drug addiction is a character flaw

Myth about Addiction


More than anything else drug addiction is a character flaw

Its a brain disease and it can happen to anyone.Every type of drug of abuse has its own individual mechanism for changing how the brain functions. But regardless of which drug a person is addicted to, many of the effects it has on the brain are similar: they range from changes in the molecules and cells that make up the brain, to mood changes, to changes in memory processes and in such motor skills as walking and talking. And these changes have a huge influence on all aspects of a persons behavior. The drug becomes the single most powerful motivator in adrug abusers existence. He or she will do almost anything for the drug .


Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
We have reached the limits of what we can do to treat addiction
once sobriety is achieved whether with or without the benefit of treatment
If a person drinks long enough they will become alcoholic
Treatment just doesnt work
Treatment should put addicts in their place
You cant force someone into treatment
Families and their addicted loved ones are out of touch
It is my fault that my spouse drinks too much
Treatment does Not work
If you get drunk coffee will sober you up
Caffeine is an addictive drug
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