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You cant force someone into treatment

Myth about Addiction


You cant force someone into treatment

Treatment does not have to be voluntary. People coerced into treatment by the legal system can be just as successful as those who enter treatment voluntarily. Sometimes they do better, as they are more likely to remain in treatment longer and to complete the program. In 1999, over half of adolescents admitted into treatment were directed to do so by the criminal justice system.


Bad stupid aand crazy people are most susceptible to becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs
Alcohol use is not as dangerous as drug use
It is my fault that my spouse drinks too much
Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
If youre pregnant and use drugs
Addiction is for life
We have reached the limits of what we can do to treat addiction
You don t treat drug problems with drugs
Addicts are weak people and can quit if they really want to
Treatment for drug addiction should be a one shot deal
once sobriety is achieved whether with or without the benefit of treatment
You cant force someone into treatment
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