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Treatment just doesnt work

Myth about Addiction


Treatment just doesnt work

Treatment can help people. Studies show drug treatment reduces drug use by 40 to 60 percent and can significantly decrease criminal activity during and after treatment. There is also evidence that drug addiction treatment reduces the risk of HIV infection (intravenous drug users who enter and stay in treatment are up to six times less likely to become infected with HIV than other users) and improves the prospects for employment, with gains of up to 40 percent after treatment.


More than anything else drug addiction is a character flaw
Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
If you get drunk coffee will sober you up
Drug addiction is voluntary behavior
Addiction is primarily the result of personal and moral weakness
There is an addiction gene
We should strive to find a magic bullet to treat all forms of drug abuse
Many people relapse so treatment obviously does not work
If an addict has enough will power he or she can stop using alcohol and using drugs
If someone has passed out drunk the best thing to do is to put them to bed and let them sleep it off
Addiction is the addict s problem
Bad stupid aand crazy people are most susceptible to becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs
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