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Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems

Myth about Addiction


Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems

Drugs only make people forget and not care about their troubles. When the drug wears off, the problem is still there.


Treatment programs work about the same for everyone
As soon as a person feels normal all the drug is out of the body
Snuff and chewing tobacco are safe because theres no smoke
Addicts are weak people and can quit if they really want to
If youre pregnant and use drugs
You cant force someone into treatment
If someone has passed out drunk the best thing to do is to put them to bed and let them sleep it off
Bad stupid aand crazy people are most susceptible to becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs
You have to hit rock bottom
Addiction is a bad habit the result of moral weakness and over indulgence
Treatment for drug addiction should be a one shot deal
Treatment just doesnt work
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