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James Dalton Highway

Most Amazing Streets in the World


James Dalton Highway

The James Dalton Highway is a 414mile gravel road. It heads straight north from the Livengood turnoff of the Elliott Highway through arctic tundra to the farthest north reaches of Alaska. Alyeska built the 360mile haul road now known as the Dalton Highway from the Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay for $150 million to supply the oil facilities on the North Slope. The pipeline bridge across the 1875 mile Yukon River is the only span across that river in Alaska.But this is not a road for the faint of heart or those with a brandnew vehicle! It is still the main supply route for the Prudhoe Bay oilfields and you will be sharing the road with large tractortrailers. Windshields and headlights are easy targets of flying rocks. Most rental companies will not allow you to drive their cars on the Dalton. Trucks speeding along the slippery gravel track kick up thick clouds of dust or mud reducing visibility to absolute zero; potholes take a heavy toll on cars and services gas and repairs are practically nonexistent. Dont even consider driving the Dalton unless you have 4wheel drive a CB radio extra fuel food tires and a trunk filled with supplies.


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