We should strive to find a magic bullet to treat all forms of drug abuse
Myth about Addiction
We should strive to find a magic bullet to treat all forms of drug abuse
There is no one size fits all form of drug treatment, much less a magic bullet that suddenly will cure addiction. Different people have different drug abuse related problems. And they respond very differently to similar forms of treatment, even when theyre abusing the same drug. As a result, drug addicts need an array of treatments and services to address their unique needs.
As soon as a person feels normal all the drug is out of the body
It is my fault that my spouse drinks too much
More than anything else drug addiction is a character flaw
Addiction is primarily the result of personal and moral weakness
Treatment just doesnt work
Addiction is a sign of a character flaw and moral failing
Addiction is a bad habit the result of moral weakness and over indulgence
If you get drunk coffee will sober you up
You have to hit rock bottom
Addiction is the addict s problem
Sniffing glue gives an instant rush There isnt time for it to hurt you
You don t treat drug problems with drugs
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