Caffeine is an addictive drug
Myth about Addiction
Caffeine is an addictive drug
Caffeine is a pharmacologically active substance; it can work as a mild stimulant, and therefore is considered a drug. Few caffeine users report loss of control of caffeine intake or significant difficulty in reducing or stopping caffeine if desired. Thus, caffeine is mildly addictive, but it is not on the same level as other addictive stimulants.
Addiction is a sign of a character flaw and moral failing
Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
Caffeine is an addictive drug
Addiction is a social problem or a problem of morals
Addiction is for life
You cant force someone into treatment
If someone relapses they will never get better
There is an addiction gene
If someone has a stable job and life
Alcohol use is not as dangerous as drug use
We should strive to find a magic bullet to treat all forms of drug abuse
We have reached the limits of what we can do to treat addiction
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