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Dont Squat With a Low Bar Placement

Healthy Shoulder


Dont Squat With a Low Bar Placement

Low bar squats are great because of certain mechanical advantages they give you. They also put the shoulder under a hell of a lot more stress than high bar squatting does. Stick with high bar squatting or find a comfortable happy medium. But never use an extreme low bar position if you have shoulder problems or want to avoid them in the future.


Do Kettlebell Snatches
Dont Do Excessively Heavy Weighted Chin Ups
Know Your Limits
Begin the First Rep of Any Set of Military Presses with a Slight Leg Drive
Warm up Your Shoulders
Always Keep Your Shoulder Blades Fully Squeezed Together During Horizontal Pressing Movements
Include more horizontal pulling movements in your training
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
Do Vertical Pressing Before Horizontal Pressing
Walk on Your Hands
Check your overhead position
Never Bench Press With a Wide Grip
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