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Nothing Fun About Fungus

Healthy Nails


Nothing Fun About Fungus

Although yeast and other fungi and bacteria are equal opportunity nail invaders, its more likely youll develop a fungal infection in your toenails than your fingernails. This is generally because the fungus that causes an infection in a nail is the same as the one that causes athletes foot. Athletes foot is a common infection; it can develop quickly in warm, moist places, such as inside your socks. To help prevent fungal infections from invading your nails, keep all nails and cuticles clean and dry with a baking soda scrub, dont bite your nails or pick at hangnails (which can open the door to a fungal or bacterial infection), and treat ingrown nails with saltwater soaks to keep them clean and infection free.If you have signs of a foot fungal infection, over the counter topical antifungal medications containing clotrimazole or miconazole can help clear it up, but if the infection gets into or under a nail, you may need prescription strength medication to knock it out.


Swipe away that old nail polish
Smooth away dryness with a moisturizing hand cream
Slip into a pair of warm winter gloves before braving the cold
Load up your meals with protein
Trim and file your fingernails regularly
Nail strengtheners they really do work
Trim your nails when they get too long
Remedies for brittle easily broken nails
Give your cuticles a much needed massage
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