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Quadriceps Stretch

Healthy Knee


Quadriceps Stretch

Targets Quadriceps, hip flexors. Cues Lying on side, with hips and shoulders stacked, pull the top foot toward the buttocks with the top hand. If you have trouble, use a towel or T-shirt to extend grip; foot does not have to reach buttocks; pull to the point of feeling a gentle stretch, not pain. Keep knees in alignment, then slowly pull top knee back behind the other knee, while maintaining stacked hip. Hold for 6 to 8 slow, deep breaths. Repeat 2 to 3 times on each side.


Seek expert opinion
Eat an anti inflammatory diet
Rest up
Dont Wait Too Long to See a Doctor
Get your body in proper alignment
Be aware
Single Calf Raise
Want healthy knees Focus on ankle and hip mobility
Dont bound up and down stairs
First try non surgical options
Stop pain provoking activities
Purchase some knee sleeves
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