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Get your body in proper alignment

Healthy Knee


Get your body in proper alignment

Ever see a car thats out of alignment? Notice how it wears down those tires quickly? And the gas mileage you get is downright atrocious to boot. So what if your body is out of alignment?Well, just walking around could be a chore, and I can virtually guarantee one part of your knee joint is taking the brunt of the load. To make it worse, youre probably squatting, deadlifting, and lunging heavily as well, which is kind of like speeding with that same faulty alignment. Its going to catch up to you one of these days when the tires blow.Check out the Neanderthal No More series if youre in need of a tune-up. Optimal alignment may not be easy, but the benefits far outweigh the time and energy it takes to get you there.


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