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Shoulder Adductor and Extensor Stretch

Fitness Stretching


Shoulder Adductor and Extensor Stretch

Shoulder, Back, and Chest Stretches:

Stand in a squatting position while facing a doorway with the right shoulder lined up with the left side of the doorjamb. Stick the right arm through the doorway. Grab the inside of the doorjamb at shoulder level with the right hand. While keeping the right arm straight and the feet firmly planted, lower the buttocks toward the floor.

Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Right posterior deltoid, right middle trapezius, right triceps brachii, right teres major, right rhomboids, right infraspinatus.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Right latissimus dorsi, right teres minor, right supraspinatus, right serratus anterior.

A lower squat yields a greater stretch, but be careful not to squat so low that you feel pain in the legs or knees. To reduce strain on the knees, change where you grab the doorjamb. Changing the position of the grasp, however, influences the amount of stretch placed on the various muscles (see variation). Regardless of where you grasp, keep the back straight or arched. Do not bend forward at the waist. To get an even greater stretch, inwardly rotate the trunk.


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