Hip External Rotator Stretch
Fitness Stretching
Hip External Rotator Stretch
Hip Stretches:
Stand upright on the left leg with the knee straight; face a support surface (such as a table or beam) that is even with the hips or just a little below the hips. The right leg is bent at the hip at about a 90-degree angle and rested on the support surface; the outside of the lower right leg rests as flat as possible on the surface. (You can place a towel or pillow under the foot and lower right leg for cushioning.) Lower the trunk as far as possible toward the right foot, keeping the right knee as flat as possible on the surface.
Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Gluteus maximus and medius and minimus, right piriformis, right gemellus superior and inferior, right obturator externus and internus, right quadratus femoris, lower erector spinae, left latissimus dorsi.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Right tensor fascia lata, right lower latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius.
Lower the trunk forward from the hip joint. Keep the trunk as a straight unit; do not let the back curve. Increasing the height of the table, bench, or other surface by 1 to 2 feet (30 to 61 cm) above the hips will increase the stretch on these muscle groups.