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Finger Extensor Stretch

Fitness Stretching


Finger Extensor Stretch

Arm, Wrist, and Hand Stretches:

Sit or stand upright. Turn the left arm so that the palm faces up and flex the elbow to a 90-degree angle. Flex the wrist to a 90-degree angle, and flex the fingers so that they are pointed toward the elbow. Place the right hand on top of the fingers and press the fingers down toward the forearm.

Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Left extensor carpi radialis brevis, left extensor carpi radialis longus, left extensor carpi ulnaris, left extensor digitorum communis, left extensor digiti minimi, left extensor indicis.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Left extensor pollicis brevis, left extensor pollicis longus.

Increase the magnitude of the stretch by flexing the fingers (make a fist). Also, the elbow angle does not need to be precisely 90 degrees. Choose a comfortable angle. Some people find that fully flexing the elbow makes it easier to push on the hand. With the elbow fully flexed, the push is more downward than across.


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