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Supported One Leg Standing Hip Flexor and Knee Extensor Stretch

Fitness Stretching


Supported One Leg Standing Hip Flexor and Knee Extensor Stretch

Knee and Thigh Stretches: "You can also do this stretch by bracing the right foot on a table or beam. Because of the increased possibility of hyperflexing the knee, this is a more advanced stretch; you should do this stretch only if you have very flexible muscles."

Stand with the back toward a padded table, bed, or soft platform that is below the height of the hips. Balance the weight on the left leg and bend the knee slightly. Bend the right knee and prop the right ankle on the rear support surface. Place both hands on the rear support surface 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) behind the buttocks. Move the torso backward slowly so that the heel of the right foot touches the buttocks. Make sure that the ankle and knee are comfortable. Push the hips forward and simultaneously arch the back by bending the shoulders toward the buttocks.

Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Right vastus medialis, right vastus intermedius, right vastus lateralis, middle and upper right sartorius, right rectus femoris, right psoas major, right iliacus, right tensor fascia lata.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Right pectineus, anterior part of right gluteus medius.


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