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Lying Hip Flexor and Knee Extensor Stretch

Fitness Stretching


Lying Hip Flexor and Knee Extensor Stretch

Knee and Thigh Stretches:

Lie on the right side of the body. Bend the left knee and bring the left heel to within 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) of the buttocks. Grasp the left ankle tightly and pull the leg backward close to your buttocks. However, do not bring the heel of the left ankle all the way to the buttocks. Push the hip forward at the same time.

Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Left vastus intermedius, left rectus femoris, left psoas major, middle and upper left sartorius.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Left vastus medialis, left vastus lateralis, left tensor fascia lata, left pectineus, left iliacus, anterior part of left gluteus medius, left anterior tibialis, left extensor digitorum longus, left extensor hallucis longus.

When doing this stretch, be extra careful not to strain the knee structure by overflexing the knee. Pull the ankle slowly in a more backward direction than upward direction, making sure that the hips are also moved forward. In other words, concentrate more on doing hip extension than on doing knee flexion.


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