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Plantar Flexor and Foot Everter Stretch

Fitness Stretching


Plantar Flexor and Foot Everter Stretch

Foot and Calf Stretches:

Stand upright on the edge of a stair or beam, with the midsection of the right foot on the edge. Place the foot in an inverted position (stand on the lateral [outer] side of the foot). Keep the right knee straight and the left knee slightly bent. Hold on to a support with at least one hand. Keeping the foot inverted, lower the right heel as far as possible.

Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Right peroneus longus, right peroneus brevis, right peroneus tertius, right abductor digiti minimi, lateral side of right soleus and right gastrocnemius, right flexor hallucis longus, right posterior tibialis.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Right popliteus, right plantaris, medial head of right gastrocnemius, right biceps femoris, right flexor digitorum brevis, right quadratus plantae, right flexor digiti minimi brevis, right flexor hallucis brevis.

It is more comfortable to do this stretch while wearing shoes. This is an excellent stretch for the peroneus longus and brevis and the abductor digiti minimi muscles, which are located at the lateral (outer) side of the lower leg and the foot. Be extra careful when placing the foot in an inverted position, and make sure to progress slowly through this stretching exercise. After the right heel reaches the floor or the lowest point, you can increase the stretch by bending the right knee slightly. This removes any stretch on hamstring muscles, but it stretches the calf muscles further.


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