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Working for more than 10 hours per day may lead to a heart attack

Ways Your Office Job is Literally Killing You


Working for more than 10 hours per day may lead to a heart attack

European researchers found that people who work 10 hours or more every day have a 60% greater risk of a multitude of cardiovascular problems including heart attack and angina.


Working odd hours can cause weight gain and increase stress hormones
Dirty keyboards are as dangerous as E coli and coliforms
Using a treadmill desk increases your chances of physically hurting yourself
Typing too much leads to carpal tunnel syndrome
Smartphone overuse may eventually weaken your hands and wrists
Regularly eating fast food for lunch will increase your risk of heart disease
Working for a bad boss can contribute to anxiety unhealthy habits and even heart disease
Recirculated toxic air clogs your lungs
Long commutes can lead to poor sleep higher cholesterol and an increased risk of depression
Endlessly staring at a computer screen harms your vision
Extreme boredom may make your more likely to die from heart disease or stroke
Open office plans may be trendy but theyre also drastically more likely to make you sick
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