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Extreme boredom may make your more likely to die from heart disease or stroke

Ways Your Office Job is Literally Killing You


Extreme boredom may make your more likely to die from heart disease or stroke

Its not just hyperbole you can actually be bored to death. A study from University College London suggested that those who complain of boredom are more likely to die young and those who report high levels of tedium are much more likely to die from heart disease or stroke. It also puts you at higher risk for workplace accidents.


Typing too much leads to carpal tunnel syndrome
Smartphone overuse may eventually weaken your hands and wrists
Recirculated toxic air clogs your lungs
Working odd hours can cause weight gain and increase stress hormones
Keeping your mouse in the same spot makes you prone to repetitive strain injury
Open office plans may be trendy but theyre also drastically more likely to make you sick
Regularly slouching in your can chair lead to long term illnesses
Not getting enough sunlight can make it harder to fall asleep and more difficult to concentrate when youre awake
Spending too much time with a hot device on your lap lowers sperm count
Motivational meetings can depress people
Skipping breakfast puts your body in a constant stressful state
Extreme boredom may make your more likely to die from heart disease or stroke
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