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Ways To Waste Less Food

Only buy what you need
Shop more often
Make a grocery list
Make frozen fruit and vegetables your new best friend
Watch out for the Bulk Trap
Skip the Keurig
Buy organic milk instead of regular It lasts a whole lot longer
Know what needs to go in the fridge and what should be left on the counter
Reorganize your fridge on the reg
Dont mix fruits and vegetables
One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch
Break your bananas apart and increase their counter life
Make your scallions last longer by keeping them in a jar of water in the fridge
Hang onions in pantyhose and they will last for up to eight months
Extend your breads life with a celery stalk
Wrap cheese in wax paper or cheese paper
Freeze your fresh herbs in olive oil or butter
Tupperware Not just an excuse for parties
Cook with every part of the food
Use your kitchen scraps to make homemade vegetable stock
Make frittatas with your leftover vegetables
Turn day old rice into fried rice
Save your dried out mushrooms
Pickle or preserve whatever you ve got
Turn leftover bread into croutons
Use brown bananas to make banana bread
Add cheese rinds to soups and sauces for extra flavor
Save leftover wine in the freezer
Dont confuse sell by best by or use by with toss by
Donate what you don t want
Always take the doggie bag
If you cant clean your plate pass it to someone who can
When all else fails compost
Find out how you can compost in your city
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