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Skip the Keurig

Ways To Waste Less Food


Skip the Keurig

Investing in Keurig is never the right option. The extravagance of Keurig can never be under rated. The disposable pods are never worth your money. Their main product being the K cup which is a singe use coffee brewing set up. Each cup is nothing but a plastic container containing ground coffee beans and a coffee filter. All well packed and sealed in an airtight plastic and foil cover. Now they even sell the Vue packs which can be emptied and recycled. But avoiding it and using the reusable filter will avoid a lot of wastage. Buy a machine that supports reusable filter.


Buy organic milk instead of regular It lasts a whole lot longer
Only buy what you need
Use your kitchen scraps to make homemade vegetable stock
Break your bananas apart and increase their counter life
Make frozen fruit and vegetables your new best friend
Save your dried out mushrooms
Dont confuse sell by best by or use by with toss by
Make your scallions last longer by keeping them in a jar of water in the fridge
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When all else fails compost
Donate what you don t want
Turn leftover bread into croutons
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