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One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch

Ways To Waste Less Food


One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch

When storing the fruits and veggies make sure to check on them regularly for any rotten sign. Check each and every vegetable and fruit. If you find a spoilt one discard it from the batch. One rotten apple is enough to spoil the entire bunch. The fungal mold proliferates quickly and spreading over the remaining fruits as well. Try to maintain the stem of the fruits like apple and berries, because once you ve pulled it out the cells start to degenerate and microbes proliferate. The onions must be stored in a dry dark place, contamination sets in when there is moisture contact.


Use your kitchen scraps to make homemade vegetable stock
Save leftover wine in the freezer
Make frittatas with your leftover vegetables
Dont mix fruits and vegetables
Turn day old rice into fried rice
Make frozen fruit and vegetables your new best friend
Watch out for the Bulk Trap
Freeze your fresh herbs in olive oil or butter
Know what needs to go in the fridge and what should be left on the counter
Make a grocery list
Always take the doggie bag
Donate what you don t want
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