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Ways To Waste Less Food


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Several studies and researches have been conducted by financial analysts and experts on the link between shopping habits of people and its impact on the savings of their household. It has been proved that more frequent and smaller shopping trips to the market generally yield lesser expenses and prove to be lighter on your pocket than bigger and weekly trips to the malls. Generally people end up stocking more items, buying things that they may not use or those that they will not actually use but think they may need it in future, only at the spur of the moment.


Use brown bananas to make banana bread
Break your bananas apart and increase their counter life
Reorganize your fridge on the reg
Only buy what you need
Make frittatas with your leftover vegetables
Tupperware Not just an excuse for parties
Extend your breads life with a celery stalk
Make a grocery list
Make your scallions last longer by keeping them in a jar of water in the fridge
Shop more often
Always take the doggie bag
Skip the Keurig
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