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Know what needs to go in the fridge and what should be left on the counter

Ways To Waste Less Food


Know what needs to go in the fridge and what should be left on the counter

You can avoid wastage if you are aware of what can be stored in the fridge or on the shelf. It also helps maintain freshness. Apples, apricots, cantaloupe, figs, honeydew, cherries, berries, grapes, Eggplant, corn, cabbage mushroom, etc have to be refrigerated. As these remain fresh in humid conditions and some ripen faster. To slow down the ripening process, they are ideally stored in fridge. Though these ripen fast, they don t have to be refrigerated these include avocados, bananas, peaches, pears, plums, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, kiwi, melons, etc. Because these fruits and veggies survive better in RT as coldness/moisture may dry them out or contaminate them.


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Wrap cheese in wax paper or cheese paper
Break your bananas apart and increase their counter life
Add cheese rinds to soups and sauces for extra flavor
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Know what needs to go in the fridge and what should be left on the counter
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