Precautions while using Pesticides
Legal responsibility
Container disposal
Protection of nonpest animals and plants
Posting treated fields
Preharvest intervals
Permit requirements
Maximum residue levels
Processed crops
Crop injury
Personal safety
Why should I be careful when using pesticides
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
Before Application
All pesticide users are strongly advised to keep
Always read the label on the pesticide container
Personal Protective Equipment
void Exposure
Storage and Disposal
Clean Up
Entering a Treated Area
Move Pesticides Safely
Mixing and Filling
Avoid Sensitive Areas
Avoid Drift Runoff and Spills
Avoid Equipment Accidents
Wash Pesticide Soiled Clothing
Swallowed poison
Poison in eye
Poison on skin
Inhaled poison
Managing and Controlling Common House and Garden Pests
General Safety Precautions
Whats that Smell
Government of Canadas Role
Pesticide Exposure
Always mix or dilute the pesticide outdoors or in a well ventilated area
Mix only the amount that you need for each application
Keep children
Outdoor Applications
Do not over apply pesticides
Keep pesticides away from plants and wildlife you do not want to treat
Indoor Applications
A pesticide poisoning
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