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Always read the label on the pesticide container

Precautions while using Pesticides


Always read the label on the pesticide container

Always read the label on the pesticide container before you begin to use it. Make sure that you understand everything you need to know about the pesticide ahead of time so that you are a Some pesticides are designated hazardous substances by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Certain guidelines apply to the transportation of pesticides that are on DOTs list of hazardous substances. For example, shipping papers must be carried in the truck cab if designated pesticides are moved on the highway. The truck may also be required to display a sign (placard) which indicates that hazardous substances are being transported. The state DOT office should be contacted for detailed information on which pesticides are on the hazardous substance list, and what rules apply to them during transportation.


Legal responsibility
Entering a Treated Area
Pesticide Exposure
Inhaled poison
void Exposure
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
Always read the label on the pesticide container
Mix only the amount that you need for each application
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