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General Safety Precautions

Precautions while using Pesticides


General Safety Precautions

Always read the label carefully. You must follow all safety precautions described on the product label to protect your health, the health of others and the environment. Generally, pesticide application should only be done when there are no children, pregnant women, elderly persons, pets or animals present. Never mix or combine different pesticides together unless the label instructions say to do so. Use a pesticide only for its intended purpose, for example, never use a pesticide indoors when it is intended for outdoor use. Do not apply pesticides directly to people, clothing or bedding, except when told to do so on the label.


Always read the label on the pesticide container
General Safety Precautions
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
Poison in eye
Personal Protective Equipment
Storage and Disposal
Processed crops
Keep pesticides away from plants and wildlife you do not want to treat
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