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Personal Protective Equipment

Precautions while using Pesticides


Personal Protective Equipment

The need for personal protective equipment depends mainly on the pesticide being handled. You may wear ordinary work clothes (long sleeve shirt and pants) while using pesticides of low toxicity (category III or lower toxicity levels), but it is a good idea to reserve one set of work clothes specifically for this purpose. More toxic chemicals (categories I and II) require coveralls worn over another layer of clothes, or chemical resistant protective suits. In the Worker Protection Standards (WPS) for agricultural pesticides, the EPA defines a material as chemical resistant if it shows no measurable movement of pesticide through the material during use.


Protection of nonpest animals and plants
Personal safety
All pesticide users are strongly advised to keep
Always read the label on the pesticide container
Maximum residue levels
Permit requirements
Always mix or dilute the pesticide outdoors or in a well ventilated area
Container disposal
Personal Protective Equipment
Pesticide Exposure
Mixing and Filling
Processed crops
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