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Storage and Disposal

Precautions while using Pesticides


Storage and Disposal

Try to use all the pesticide in your tank. If you have some left at the end of the job, use the remainder on other target locations at the recommended dosage. Clean the equipment and put it away immediately after use to prevent accidents. Do not leave pesticides or pesticide containers out in the field or at the application site. Be sure to account for every container used. Safely dispose of empty containers. Do not reuse pesticide containers for any purpose. NEVER give them to children for any use. Partially used pesticides should be stored in their tight original containers in a locked building. Keep children and uninformed people away from the storage area.


Permit requirements
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
Protection of nonpest animals and plants
A pesticide poisoning
void Exposure
Indoor Applications
Government of Canadas Role
Personal Protective Equipment
Before Application
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