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Precautions while using Pesticides



Try to determine what the person was exposed to and what part of the body was affected before you take action, since taking the right action is as important as taking immediate action. If the person is unconscious having trouble breathing, or having convulsions, give needed first aid immediately. Call 911.or your local emergency service. If the person does not have these symptoms, contact your local Poison Control Center at 1 800 222 1222. Have the product container with you when you call for assistance remember to act fast!


Protection of nonpest animals and plants
All pesticide users are strongly advised to keep
Personal Protective Equipment
Move Pesticides Safely
Legal responsibility
Mixing and Filling
General Safety Precautions
Managing and Controlling Common House and Garden Pests
Keep children
Pesticide Exposure
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
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