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Move Pesticides Safely

Precautions while using Pesticides


Move Pesticides Safely

Carelessness in transporting pesticides can result in broken containers, spills and contamination. Once pesticides are in your possession, you are responsible for safely transporting them. Accidents can occur even when transporting materials a short distance. If a pesticide accident occurs, you are responsible. Do all you can to prevent a transport problem, but be prepared in case an emergency should arise. The safest way to carry pesticides is in the back of a truck. Flatbed trucks should have side and tail racks. Steel beds are preferable since they can be more easily decontaminated if a spill should occur. Never carry pesticides inside your car, van, or truck cab. Pesticides may cause injury or death if they spill on you or your passengers; hazardous fumes may be released.


A pesticide poisoning
Swallowed poison
Outdoor Applications
Processed crops
void Exposure
Do not over apply pesticides
Before Application
Mixing and Filling
Container disposal
Maximum residue levels
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