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What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides

Precautions while using Pesticides


What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides

Be trained in the correct use and handling of pest control products some products can be used by specially trained and certified personnel. Become familiar with regulations that apply to pesticide use and follow all regulatory requirements. Minimize use of pesticides where possible.. Choose correct pesticide for the job. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing when handling and spraying pesticide products. Follow the precautions that appear on the label. Inspect pesticide containers for leaks before handling. Contact power utility to determine proper distances between spray nozzle and power lines. Learn to recognize the typical signs of poisoning and the correct first aid procedures.. Stop work and seek medical attention immediately if you feel ill during pesticide use or you notice signs in a co worker. Have washing facilities as close as possible to mixing and loading sites. Keep products in their original labelled packages.


Always read the label on the pesticide container
Indoor Applications
Avoid Drift Runoff and Spills
Mix only the amount that you need for each application
Keep pesticides away from plants and wildlife you do not want to treat
General Safety Precautions
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
Protection of nonpest animals and plants
Container disposal
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