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Precautions while using Pesticides



Carefully choose the most suitable equipment for applying your pesticides. Always use equipment correctly and take good care of it. Before you begin using your equipment, check it thoroughly to be absolutely sure that everything is working properly. Calibrate your equipment so that you apply the exact amount of pesticide necessary. Be sure there are no leaks in hoses, pumps, or tanks. Check for loose connections and worn spots in hoses that could leak or burst. One way to check for leaks is to operate the equipment at normal pressures with clean water before filling with pesticide mixture. If belts, pulleys, or drive chains are exposed, put guards around them so that you, children, or other people cannot be injured. The spray tank should have a tight lid so that neither you nor others will be splashed and spray materials will not leak onto the ground.


Legal responsibility
Permit requirements
What are some key factors to remember when using pesticides
Storage and Disposal
Always mix or dilute the pesticide outdoors or in a well ventilated area
Clean Up
Avoid Drift Runoff and Spills
Maximum residue levels
Container disposal
Avoid Equipment Accidents
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