Try an eggbeater kick
Learn Swim
Try an eggbeater kick
Commonly used to tread water, and stay in a vertical position with your head and shoulders above water. Start with your knees bent and your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. Then "pedal" each leg as you would on a bike, only they'll go in opposite directions: while one leg pedals "forward," the other leg should pedal "backward." This one takes some practice to get used to, but it's handy for "resting" when your feet can't touch bottom.
Wear goggles
Never swim in too cold water
Try floating on your back or your stomach as you re ready
Try an eggbeater kick
Don t swim during inclement weather conditions
Never swim alone
Try a backstroke first
Practice kicking your legs
Stay within a depth you can handle
Don t start swimming in moving water
Tread water
Use your arms to come up from the bottom
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